Papaya Seeds Benefits

Papaya seeds may be only known and used as seeds for cultivation. From now on, I'm sure you will not throw away the papaya seeds. In fact, based on the clinical

Young Crude Papaya benefits

One of the reasons why the papaya fruit is very popular because it taste sweet and fresh. The ripe papayas has a nice feel on the tongue and refresh the body.

Papaya Leaves For Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is a time of happiness and also sensitive for women. This phase is characterized by the growth of the embryo or fetus in the womb of a woman. Pregnancy is something that is extremely sensitive.

Papaya Leaf Extract

Scientists and researchers found that papaya leaf contains a number of active compounds that are very good for the body. The composition of the active substance in leaves of papaya, including vitamin B1 0.15 mg, Vitamin A 18250 SI, vitamin C 140 mg, 8.0 grams protein, 79 cal calories, 2 grams fat, 353 mg calcium

Papain Enzyme Benefits

The ability of the enzyme papain is able to break down protein molecules that are useful to humans. There are various benefits of papain

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Making Papaya Mask for Skin Beauty

Papaya is widely regarded as the fruit of the gods. Diverse usefulness makes it a tropical fruit that is always special. The content in papaya known as launch and be healthy digestion. Not only that, papaya is also a good source of vitamins for the body. Well, did you know that papaya is not only good for the health of it? Apparently, this fruit with bright markings are also very beneficial for your skin beauty. You have of course familiar with the products of Carica papaya as the main ingredient. This product is very easy to find on the market. One that is quite popular is the papaya mask. Have you tried?

Papaya fruit contains a variety of compounds that is good for the body. So, not surprisingly, also known papaya mask to brighten and refresh the skin. If you do not want to be bothered, you can buy instant papaya mask at the cosmetics stores. For those who love all things natural, recipe to make papaya mask. You will very easily chip your own from home.

1st recipe : Papaya Mask Recipe with Honey

First Recipe: Papaya Mask for face and Hair

Prepare the materials:
1. 1 pieces Ripe papaya  
2. 1. teaspoon of fresh lemon tea Essence 
3. 1  teaspoon of orange juice  
4. 1 spoon of pure honey

How to Make a Mask:

Mix all the materials that have been available in a blender container and puree until blended perfectly. After that, apply on your face thoroughly. Keep your eyes from the mask!

Let stand for about 20 minutes. After that, clean the face. The papaya mask can also be used as a hair mask. Simply apply to hair. Focus on the roots. Massage gently and then let stand about 20 minutes. Finally, wash with shampoo in the last rinse.

2nd recipe: Papaya Mask With an Orange 

Papaya mask to make your skin glowing and blushing. Materials needed are:
1. 150ml Ripe papaya juice
2. 4 teaspoons of orange juice
3. 4 teaspoons of fresh carrot juice
4. 1 teaspoon of glycerin or honey

How to make a mask:

Mix all the above the materials in a container to form a paste. Then apply on your face then you'll get nice result by
gently massaging  for 2 minutes. Furthermore, let stand about 20 minutes. Finally, rinse with cold water.   

You need to try a recipe from me, well I hope your day is getting happier. Thank you for reading.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Papain Enzyme Benefits

enzyme papain
Papain is an enzyme from the class of proteases that are found in papaya latex. The sap often found on the trunk, fruits and leaves. The volume of papaya latex is much more in the young than the old. As an enzyme, papain that can break down the protein molecules. Thanks to this, the enzyme papain has various benefits for humans. Whether it's in the household sector as well as large industries scale.

Papain Enzyme Benefits 

The ability of the enzyme papain is able to break down protein molecules that are useful to humans. There are various benefits of papain, such as:

  1. In industry, the enzyme papain popularly used in meat processing. The content of an enzyme that is able to tenderizing meat. With the application of papain, the farmers avoid losses because the market prefers the simple processed meat. This meat tenderizer papain has been available on the market. The composition of the papain has been mixed in carefully and can be used directly on the meat. The measure is important, because if its use is not accurate, papain will make the meat feel bitter
  2. Besides being used as a meat tenderizer, the enzyme papain is also widely used as an ingredient to destroy residual or waste products primarily fish canning industry. Papain is also popular as decomposers protein concentrate used in the livestock feed and fish processing.
  3. Because of its ability to destroy molecules in the solid protein, papain is also used to hydrolyze the protein molecule. Papain is needed in the manufacture of peptone also a number of amino acids. Both of these elements are indispensable, especially in microbiology research and also in several types of industries.
  4. Another benefit papain is as a skin softener in the leather tanning industry. With papain, humans can use gloves of leather that has a soft, leather jackets, and a variety of other leather products.
  5. Papain is used in the beer industry. The addition of papain in beer packaging will make it more resistant. Papain is also referred to as anti-cold medicine or beer stabilizer. In cold conditions, it will decrease the quality of beer. But with the advent of papain, the matter can be prevented.
  6. Papain is used as one of the active ingredients in pharmaceutical prefarat process. For example, the main protein drugs indigestion, gastritis, intestinal worms medicine, dispesia and many others.
  7. Papain is widely used in cosmetics primarily for facial beauty. Papain is known to be able to dissolve the dead skin cells so the skin is always fresh. In addition to cosmetics, the enzyme papain is also used in the manufacture of toothpaste composition because it can eliminate the dirt which settles on the teeth.
  8. As a specific example of detergent silk fabric. Papain can eliminate excess fiber in the fabric.
  9. Acts as a solvent gelatin silver recovery process, especially in those that are no longer used.
  10. Component materials to make cookies become crisp. Like a cracker cake.
  11. As the material to purify the tea.
  12. As a component to agglomerate milk in cheese-making process.
  13. As a tool of washing the glass lens that is softer and cleaner.  And many others benefits.

    To take advantage of this papaya enzyme, we should use the papaya with ages between 2.5 to 3 months. The fruit is too ripe typically have little sap. In addition, when you would tap papaya latex, try not to pick fruit from the papaya tree, but left hanging in the tree. Tapping time is not arbitrary. Preferably in the morning starting from 5.30 until 8:00. And in the afternoon, starting at 17:30 until 18:30.

Papaya Leaf Extract

Scientists and researchers found that papaya leaf contains a number of active compounds that are very good for the body. The composition of the active substance in leaves of papaya, including vitamin B1 0.15 mg, Vitamin A 18250 SI, vitamin C 140 mg, 8.0 grams protein, 79 cal calories, 2 grams fat, 353 mg calcium, 11.9 grams carbohydrate, iron 0.8 mg, phosphorus 63 mg, 75.4 grams of water, kautsuk, paparotin, karposit, karpain, enzymes papain and others. The complexity of these compounds makes the efficacy of papaya leaves to be diverse.

To get these benefits, papaya leaves are usually processed. such as culinary, tea, and or papaya extract. Especially for papaya extract, more be privileged because it can be used from inside and outside. And not only for human health but only for agriculture, fisheries and others.

Various scientific studies have proven the benefits from papaya leaf extract. In the world of agriculture, papaya leaf extract known to be used as a very potent natural pesticide that is certainly friendly to the environment. Pesticides from papaya leaf extract is effective in preventing and repel pests include aphids, termites, tiny pests, caterpillars and other various kinds of insects.

How to make a pesticide with papaya leaf extract is quite easy. First, collect the leaves of papaya approximately 1 kilogram, or about 1 bucket. Then mashed papaya leaves until smooth. The result of the collision was soaked in 10 liters of water. Do not forget to add 250 ml of kerosene and detergent as much as 30 grams. Let stand overnight full. The last stage, the marinade is filtered and separated from pulp. Liquids that have free pulp was then applied directly to the plant.

Researchers from the University of Florida found that consumption of papaya leaf extract as a efficacious anti-cancer, especially cervical, breast, lung, liver and pancreas. Papaya leaf extract possesses a strong resistance against the foreign cells in the body. Papaya extract is obtained by drying the leaves of papaya and finely pulverized. In addition to the anti-cancer compound, papaya leaf extract is also anti-toxic to normal cells and is best used as a reliever therapy effects of chemotherapy and radiation.

The papaya leaf extract is scientifically known to treat bacteria-infected of carp. papaya leaves extract is based on fish toxicity. Dose of extract concentration through in vivo tests showed that different concentrations gave significant effect on the survival rate of carp for 15 consecutive days.    

Papaya Leaves For Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is a time of happiness and also sensitive for women. This phase is characterized by the growth of the embryo or fetus in the womb of a woman. Pregnancy is something that is extremely sensitive because many aspects that must be considered and should not be denied.

One of the important points is nutrition for the mother and baby. Based on the research, papaya is known to have a number of active compounds that is very good if consumed regularly and in the right proportions.

Papaya leaves, the information is rich in iron and vitamin C. Referring to it so that the content of nutritionists and also recommends the consumption of papaya leaves and other green vegetables because both fetal and maternal health. Iron content in the leaves of papaya serves to carry oxygen from the lungs and also transports electrons in the process of formation of energy in cells. In carrying out its function as a carrier of oxygen, iron compounds joined to form the protein hemoglobin in red blood cells and myoglobin in muscle fiber 

The tendency of women in terms of deficiency of red blood cells is much higher than men. This is due to iron stores in women only 0 to 300 mg. Especially pregnant women, anemia is often attacked and lowered immune system. By eating the leaves of papaya on a regular basis, will help pregnant women to combat anemia. Papaya leaves for pregnant women are often advised because it is believed to stimulate the mammary glands to produce milk.

How to Eat Papaya Leaf

Consumption of papaya leaf for pregnant women had to be dosed correctly. Therefore, if the excessive portion, would probably lead to bloating and fullness. Basically papaya leaves can be enjoyed in the form of fresh vegetables or ointment. However, in order to enrich the taste, you can cultivate papaya with some seasoning and menumisnya. To eliminate the sensation of bitterness, squeezed and boiled papaya with salt until wilted. Good luck.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Papaya Tree Trunk Benefits

Papaya trees easily found in Southeast Asia. This fruit is grown in the tropics. Having said that, it is natural that its existence overflow. Papaya is classified as a multipurpose plant because almost all its parts can be used. Such as fruit, leaves, seeds and the sap.

 So what about the papaya tree trunks? Did you know the benefits of papaya trunk are extremely diverse. Unfortunately, because of the missing information, papaya trunk more often end up as garbage. Fact is extremely well used as an organic fertilizer and even making materials food!.

Organic Fertilizers

When the papaya tree is old, usually will be cut down and piled up to rot. Piles of papaya trunk are usually only be left. In fact, the benefits of papaya trunk rot, is extremely good for soil fertility. Papaya Trunk can be used as organic fertilizer which is cheap and has good quality. 

Some of the compounds existing in the trunk of papaya in the manufacture of organic fertilizer to improve soil quality. 

Based on the research, trunk papaya contains a number of important compounds such as enzymes papain, papayachin, papayotin, protein, proteolytic enzymes, tannins, glycosides chlorine, a number of vitamins, alkaloids and many others. Besides being able to nourish the soil if used as organic fertilizer, papaya trunk also was able to nourish their bodies who love to consume. But wait, how do I consume papaya trunk?
The trick is papaya trunk must be processed first. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Young Crude Papaya benefits

One of the reasons why the papaya fruit is very popular because it taste sweet and fresh. The ripe papayas has a nice feel on the tongue and refresh the body.  

It is not surprising, therefore, the demand of ripe papaya has higher levels rather than the crude one. Based on clinical trials, young papaya or  crude papaya also contains similar complex compounds with ripe papaya.

Because of the bitter taste, crude papaya tends to be ignored. You have to know that papaya has very good benefits of , especially for the ladies. These benefits can be obtained by consuming the young papaya fruit regularly. Do not worry about the bitter flavor of crude/young papaya, because with proper treatment and mixing, the bitter flavor can be transformed into a more enjoyable taste.

Tightening Breasts And Body Slimming 

 Clinical research has found that papaya contains an enzyme that stimulates breast growth. Meanwhile, the content of vitamin A to young papaya fruit is able to stimulate the ovaries to produce the female hormones, breast gland and tighten launched muscles around the breast. To obtain these properties , you are advised to regularly drink papaya juice mixed with milk, honey and egg yolk.

In addition to tighten the breast, the other benefits of  young papaya is to lose weight. Experts found that the content of the young papaya has enzymes that was higher than ripe papaya. And this has the effect of enzymes to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Consumption of papaya can improve the system the body's metabolism so that fat burning energy becomes more leverage 


Papaya Seeds Benefits

papaya seeds
Papaya seeds may be only known and used as seeds for cultivation. From now on, I'm sure you will not throw away the papaya seeds. In fact, based on the clinical trials, we could processed and retrieved oil from papaya seeds. Besides being a source of oil, papaya seed also is known traditionally as an anthelmintic, cold medicine, diarrhea, skin diseases, digestive disorders and even as a male contraceptive. Furthermore, the benefits of papaya seeds is not separated from the complex compounds contained therein. Gynecology papaya seeds, based on research, it has a pharmacological effect on the human body. Therefore, dispose of papaya seeds necessarily equal to throwing drugs that would be very needed by your family. Papaya Seeds: The Compiler compound. If decomposed, so then the content of papaya seeds are alkaloids, steroids, tannins, and volatile oil. As detailed, the seed content in the form of some of the original unsaturated fats in high amounts. Acid is oleic acid and palmiat. In addition, papaya seeds are also known to contain the chemical phenol compounds, therpenoids and sapponins. These compounds are sitoksik, anti-androgen and has estrogenic effects. Further, papaya seeds also contain small amounts of carbohydrates, water, ash, protein, and fat. Meanwhile, the related benefits as blackening hair, closely related to the content Glucoside carcirindan compounds in papaya seed itself. Pregnant women are forbidden to consume papaya seeds Although this is beneficial, but experts recommend that women in particular who are in the pregnancy to avoid the consumption of papaya seed extract pills or even the juice. It is related to the content of papaya seeds as a proteolytic enzyme papain, chymopapain A, B chymopapain and papaya peptidase in papaya seeds. the consumption of papaya seeds will cause a miscarriage and potentially complicate future pregnancy because this proteolytic compounds known to trigger drought in the the uterus. So beware!