Friday, February 14, 2014

Young Crude Papaya benefits

One of the reasons why the papaya fruit is very popular because it taste sweet and fresh. The ripe papayas has a nice feel on the tongue and refresh the body.  

It is not surprising, therefore, the demand of ripe papaya has higher levels rather than the crude one. Based on clinical trials, young papaya or  crude papaya also contains similar complex compounds with ripe papaya.

Because of the bitter taste, crude papaya tends to be ignored. You have to know that papaya has very good benefits of , especially for the ladies. These benefits can be obtained by consuming the young papaya fruit regularly. Do not worry about the bitter flavor of crude/young papaya, because with proper treatment and mixing, the bitter flavor can be transformed into a more enjoyable taste.

Tightening Breasts And Body Slimming 

 Clinical research has found that papaya contains an enzyme that stimulates breast growth. Meanwhile, the content of vitamin A to young papaya fruit is able to stimulate the ovaries to produce the female hormones, breast gland and tighten launched muscles around the breast. To obtain these properties , you are advised to regularly drink papaya juice mixed with milk, honey and egg yolk.

In addition to tighten the breast, the other benefits of  young papaya is to lose weight. Experts found that the content of the young papaya has enzymes that was higher than ripe papaya. And this has the effect of enzymes to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Consumption of papaya can improve the system the body's metabolism so that fat burning energy becomes more leverage 



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